How Do You Create an Email Client With an HTML Editor?

How Do You Create an Email Client With an HTML Editor?

Creating an email client with an HTML editor involves setting up an application where users can compose, edit, and send emails using rich text formatting. This tutorial is a step-by-step guide on using Froala, a WYSIWYG HTML editor, to make an app to handle email sending. The steps include the app setup, basic customizations, HTML of email modeling, framework configuration, and font and text configs.

No more monotony

You are building an email client app, so you need some kind of text editor. With this tutorial, you can say goodbye to monotony and hello to creativity with a customized email client powered by the Froala editor.

The developer Wesley from ByteGrad (a YouTube channel with more than 118k subscribers) shows in this 10-minute tutorial how to do this job.

Watch the video on the Froala channel

The key to a good email client is offering an excellent text editing experience. Froala editor has a versatile solution that empowers you to accomplish what you desire in your email composition.

Before diving into the customization process, Wesley teaches how to set up Froala and integrate it into a React project.

“On a React project, let’s install both Froala packages: npm install react-froala-wysiwyg — save. This means what you see is what you get. Froala also has a font that is awesome for the icons: npm install front-awesome — save.” Wesley shows up with hands-on code.

As Wesley, the YouTuber, demonstrates, Froala Text Editor is a powerhouse of versatility.

From basic text formatting to advanced features like image insertion, link embedding, and attachment support, Froala equips you with a toolkit for crafting engaging emails. This versatility will ignite your excitement and empower you to create dynamic email client applications.

The developer explains that it’s essential to prioritize features that enhance user experience and productivity. The tutorial has these items: (1) toolbar buttons for email, (2) toolbar inline, (3) attachments images, (4) HTML of email model, (5) enable TypeScript for Froala configuration, (6) events (Images — absolute URL), (7) font and text customization, and (8) links.

As you embark on your project, remember to tap into the support provided by Froala’s extensive documentation and tutorials. This resource is designed to guide you and provide further insights, ensuring you feel supported throughout your development journey.

Check the code created by ByteGrad for this tutorial:

import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
import "froala-editor/css/froala_style.min.css";
import "froala-editor/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css";
import { useState } from "react";
import { FroalaOptions } from "froala-editor";
const FroalaEditorComponent = dynamic(
async () => {
const results = await Promise.all([
return results[0];
ssr: false,
const froalaConfig: Partial<FroalaOptions> = {
events: {
"image.inserted": function ($img) {
const src = $img.attr("src");
heightMin: 150,
placeholderText: "Compose an email…",
charCounterCount: false,
wordCounterCount: false,
quickInsertEnabled: false,
toolbarButtons: [
["fullscreen", "undo", "redo", "getPDF", "print"],
["alignLeft", "alignCenter", "alignRight", "alignJustify"],
["formatOL", "formatUL", "indent", "outdent"],
["insertLink", "insertImage", "quote"],
imageOutputSize: true,
fontSize: ["14", "16", "18", "24", "36"],
linkList: [
text: "Unsubscribe from this list",
href: "{{UnsubscribeURL}}",
text: "View this email in your browser",
href: "{{WebVersionURL}}",
text: "Powered by Froala",
href: "{{RewardsURL}}",
export default function Home() {
const [emailHtml, setEmailHtml] = useState("");
return (
<main className="min-h-screen flex flex-col justify-center items-center">
<div className="w-[850px] bg-white px-10 py-8 rounded border border-black/20">
<div className="mb-5 space-y-1">
<Input placeholder="To" />
<Input placeholder="Subject" />
<Button className="mt-5">Send email</Button>

Summing up

Creating a customized email client using the Froala Editor is an exciting venture that brings creativity and functionality to your project.

Following Wesley’s tutorial, you can seamlessly integrate Froala into your React application and leverage its robust features for an enhanced text editing experience.

From basic formatting to advanced capabilities like image insertion and link embedding, Froala equips you with the tools to craft engaging and dynamic emails.

As you embark on this journey, remember to prioritize user experience and productivity by implementing essential features and tapping into Froala’s extensive documentation for support.

With Froala’s versatility and dedication, you can build an email client that stands out and meets your users’ needs effectively.

Check out the complete code that ByteGrad has provided for more information, and experiment with the various configurations and features to make your email client unique. Happy coding!